Theme: _Security; catalyst for community development_
The indigenous royal security and development summit is a significant platform aimed at bringing together various stakeholders including the government, Companies in Enugu State, the Royal Family, Religious leaders and Security agencies. The summit serves as a common ground for vital discussions surrounding the security and development of the state as a whole.
One of the key focus of the summit is to address the issue of security in not only the urban areas but also the rural areas. This is of utmost importance, as often times, rural areas are overlooked in security planning and implementation. By including both urban and rural areas in the discussions, the summit aims to create a comprehensive security strategy that covers all regions of the State.
The summit also aims to encourage collaboration and cooperation between different entities. By bringing together the government, companies, royals, religious leaders and security agencies, a holistic approach to security and development can be achieved. This allows for the sharing of information, resources, and expertise, which can lead to more effective security measures and overall progress in the State.
Moreover, the summit serves as a platform for discussing the development of Enugu State in tandem with security concerns. The interaction between the government, companies, and royal family enables a comprehensive understanding of the developmental needs of the State. This exchange of ideas and perspectives ensures that security measures are aligned with the overall developmental goals of the State.