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"I want to transform music industry to such a degree that all our lyrics and flows, message and performance, becomes a pure reflection of uniqueness the angels in heaven who introduced music to the world contains"( Royalty Kenneth Ajayi).

Obviously, what I see music as, defers from how others sees it. I am a musician exceptional and my way of reasoning is quite different from the ordinaries.

As humanity has evolved, so too has the use of sound- ranging from survival and safety functions to communication and entertainment - it is true that sound is a key part of the way in which one interacts with the world.

Sound culminates to a vast range of experiences that define one’s life, whether consciously or subconsciously.

When sound is arranged in a musical composition, it has the power to unite, inspire, teach and empower.

Few feelings compare to the utter joy and completeness that washes over the mind and body when hearing the first few notes of one’s favorite song, the familiar excitement building like the orchestra reaching the final crescendo.

Much like the human spirit, music is constantly evolving and building off its foundation.

That being said, this year promises talent from a new artist on the rise as He shares His musical messages with the world.

The Outstanding Artiste Tatuny whose original name is Royalty Kaneth Ajayi, the Nigerian Singer who aims to make music for anyone who needs to hear the message. His music focuses on themes of freedom, the natural flow of human connection and inner growth.

“I’m trying to make good music and say things to make people change their thinking as well as change mine. It’s my art, but it’s open to interpretation. But, if I explain too much, it takes the meaning out, ” Tatuny said in an interview with Clue Africa.

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